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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Article 1 Part 1 – Strategy & Tactics

Ok folks, you asked for it so here it comes. As we move into summer and look forward to a little time away from the ice we wanted to present a series of articles surrounding Strategy, Tactics, Equipment and whatever else comes to mind.  We have recruited a few friends to provided input, articles and feedback but before we can run we need to go over the basis, so everyone is talking the same language at the end of the day.

So bare with us as we go over Strategy & Tactics 101

So let the lessons begin:

So what is Strategy?

 Strategy is about Playing the Right Shots

And what are tactics?

Tactics are about Playing those Shots Right

Strategy represents your team’s basic means of achieving its intended outcomes in any given end,   and provides direct and tangible guidance as to the various shots that you should select.

Tactics on the other hand are an arsenal of skills and systems designed to enhance your team’s capacity to execute the your selected shots as successfully as possible.

The other major terms we need to understanding before proceeding is Risk & Reward. We so often hear about it but do we really understand it?

Risk & Reward are integrated concepts that capture all relevant threats and opportunities in any given situation, and together should form the foundation for every strategic decision that you make.

So what does this all mean? Well for most of us who have been playing for more than 10 minutes we get the concepts but do we understand them?  We often relate this risk & reward to 3 basic types’ strategy – Protecting, Probing (+/-) and Pursue.

Protecting strategy is the lowest risk & reward strategy available. You will try to minimize the number of rocks in play while giving yourself the best chance to limit opposition scoring. This protecting strategy is often common without last rock and also limits your scoring chances.

Probing strategies are a little different in the fact that there are different inclinations and are common with and without last rock. You will gain the opportunity for a reasonable amount of rock to get into play but you will need to decide if you want to protect or pursue as the end unfolds; in other words you need to read and react.

Pursuing strategy this is the highest risk & reward strategy out there. You will maximize the number of rocks in play while giving yourself the best chance of scoring.  Pursuing strategy is common with last rock but it also enhances your opponent’s chance of scoring.

All top competitive teams know a few major simple foundations and have developed Strategic Profiles, Game Plan, End plan, and Shot Selection.

Another item to which your team will need to know is your Strategic Profile. This determines your team’s central philosophy and perspective on the game, and has the potential to shape all aspects   of your strategic decision-making.  Combine this with your team’s Game Plan representing your general blueprint for the upcoming game, reviewing the basic strategies that you intend to employ as the game progresses from one stage to the next.

An End Plan represents your team’s specific blueprint for the current end, clearly defining your intended objective(s), along with particular strategy that you will use to achieve them. Shot Selection should be a natural by-product of the various strategic decisions that have preceded it, and must be fully consistent with the particular strategy that is currently in place.

So ends the lesson.
I know this seems a little Mickey mouse but as we proceed these terms will be essential in understanding.

Resources – Chris Daw, CCA

1 comment:

Northern Curler said...

Good article and a good start to your series of information...will you try to get into some specifics such as how to start an end , center guard vs. corner guard, when do you decide to go in, when do you guard, when do you take out, etc.. I realize that it may be difficult to talk about a standard plan as every game is different from the next, but perhaps you can touch base on the basics.

I look forward to the next installment.