We have developed the 4 steps of the strategic planning
process – Strategic profile, Game Plan, End Plan and Shot Selection, right?
As we discussed; an End Plan represents your team’s specific
blueprint for the current end, clearly defining your intended objective(s),
along with particular strategy that you will use to achieve them. We need now
to clear up what realistic objectives with and without last rock will be.
Objectives With last Rock
We must break the objectives into our 4 stages of an end while
understanding that the objective is good there can be inherent risks to each
Strategy Type
Realistic Objective
Inherent Risk
Blank End/Score 1
Lowest Odds of Scoring 2
Probing (-)
Score 1 or Score 2
Limited odds of scoring more than 2
Probing (+)
Score 2/Score 1
Decent Odds of stealing against
Score 2/ Score 3 or more
Highest Odd of stealing against
Objectives Without last Rock
Strategy Type
Realistic Objective
Inherent Risk
1 against/Blank end
Lowest Odds of stealing end
Probing (-)
1 against/steal 1
Limited odds of stealing end
Probing (+)
Steal 1/1 against
Decent Odds of Multiple against
Steal 1/Steal 2 or more
Highest Odds of Multiple against
So to
better understand the strategy type we need to use a bit clearer language which
might better explain the type. In the simplest terms we can put it together like
Protecting – STOP
Probing (-) – Be prepared to stop
Probing (+) – Be prepared to GO
Pursuing – GO
Your Game Plan identifies a ‘probable range’ of strategic options for
each stage of the game. It applies until one team is able to build what you would consider to be
a ‘sustainable lead’. What a “sustainable
lead” means to your team is up to your team, be it up 2 or be it up 3 or more
is for you to discover. Your End Plan allows you to identify the ‘particular
strategy’, that is most suitable at that time. In a relatively close game this
will come from the ‘range’ of strategies built in to your Game Plan.
As stated the Scoreboard
is obviously the dominant factor to consider when deciding on a particular End
Plan. In those
cases when you do not consider a ‘sustainable lead’ to exist, you will need to
consider other factors. The realities of the playing conditions and/or your
opponent will often play a role in your decision. These factors will sometimes
suggest the more aggressive option, and other times will suggest the safer one.
With that momentum is a huge contributing factor. By definition, Momentum is
the ‘positive flow’ that results from an edge in performance, or from a favorable
break. So in curling if it’s on your side considers the more aggressive
option; if it’s on their side consider the safer one. In other words;
The scoreboard plays
the major role throughout the game but generally it should be your only consideration
once the games reaches stage 4 and 5. Teams that are serious about winning plan
in advance for ALL potential scoreboard situations.
Does your team?
So in our next
article we will be dealing with Shot Selection – however before we go there and
in relation we need to review the “GREAT DEBATE” in curling.

Have you discussed
it with your team? Have you come to a consensus of what the TEAM likes? Better
yet do you know why? Does the why play to your teams strengths?
Ask your TEAM these questions;
I think you may be surprised.
Oh and by the way,
here is a hint regarding down one with or up one with out – there is NO right
SPOT ON - Great stuff!
Who is framing these for you, Chris?
It is very simple and straightforward, but right on the money.
Thank you to the blogger above, now for the secret....I am. At this point in the discussions, Bill is in Denmark and Jim is busy. So I am taking my knowledge as both an athlete and a coach and putting the background work down for you guys.
I thank you for your kind comments.
Amazing job Chris. Keep it up. People are very appreciative of everything that you are doing to make this blog the best ever. It's very evident why you were able to skip your team to gold in Torino. You should be back in the lead. Canada needs you!
You and Jim.....been beat up before, but it WOULD be interesting!
Have you been throwing much in the past couple of years, Chris?
So for those of you wondering if I have been playing or throwing?
The answer is YES, I mean after all I did work in a curling club for 3 years.
During that time I threw everyday at least once, I have been playing on a number of different teams and coach many others.
I have even had a chance to throw and play a few games against international teams. Yes, I have been playign just stepped out of the wheelchair spot light for the time being.
On tot he next adventure...Maybe hockey?
The timing for a new approach to Team Canada is now.
After a poor performance, it is time to review the whole Program.....no slam, especially given the success of the past few years, but that was then, and this is now.
We have not even heard from Joe or Wendy regarding LAST season, never mind NEXT season.
I am sure there have been many post-mortems after Korea.
t would be nice to know if others even have a chance at next season (or at least prior to 2014).
I think one of the problems you could have, Chris, is the time issue. I watched Darryl and Jim (particularly Jim) throw almost every day in Richmond.
How would you find the time, with other commitments?
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