It's that time again.
Euro 2008, WC 2010... and now, presenting The Hooliganship Euro 2012 Pool!
How to play:
1. Go here and download
the Excel doc (with Macros Enabled): http://bit.ly/HoolyEuro12
2. Check out the rules
3. Make your picks
4. Send Excel file to me
by midnight ET Thursday (6am Friday CET): gk@thecurlingnews.com
5. Email $20 to Chad
McMullan: cmcmullan@gmail.com
6. Pass this email on
-- the more the merrier
7. Root for your
teams/games from June 8 to July 1
8. If anyone is having
trouble with the Excel, write down each game's winners + score (then just W/L
in playoffs) and send it; we'll make sure you and your mates are in
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