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Jim Armstrong |
The confirmed news is that Jim Armstrong has had to leave Korea. The news broke early this morning that Jim has left Korea.
We have confirmed with Gerry Peckham of the CCA via telephone the following details:
Gerry: "Jim was in Korea but due to personal circumstances he has had to return home."
As of Feb. 5 the official word from the WCF website is that Jim was listed as skip.
Early this morning the news broke that Jim has not been seen in the building or during practice. We followed up on this with a phone confirmation with CCA high performance director Gerry Peckham that Jim was in Korea but needed to leave due to pressing personal circumstances.
We have looked at the World Curling site regarding the games at: Team Photos to confirm the official photo has been changed which confirms Gerry's words.
Also; as of this morning the official roster of players has been changed it can be found at the download section of the same page.
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TEAM CANADA - this morning |
What now remains to be told is the why and the what?
Why did Jim need to leave and I personally hope whatever it is turns out to be ok and wish him and family the best. If Jim left it is important and major. More to follow later.
The what turns out to be what does this means to Team Canada? People wanted to know if Jim made this team; well you are about to find out because in 6 hours Canada faces Italy and Darryl Nieghbour with 2 new members of the team must collect what is and has happened, put it together and win games.
The line up as listed will be as follows:
Skip - Darryl Nieghbour
Third - Ina Forrest
Second - Jack Smart
Lead - Sonja Gaudet
Alt. - Anne Hibberd
This is also the first time in history that Canada has ever played at a major tournament anywhere with only 2 males in the lineup.
We wish you the best Canada GOOD LUCK!
Canada is F____
I don't see them on the podium.
But my question now is why is Bruno of Chris not there as fifth or better.
Where the hell did Anne Hibberd come from? Is she carded? WHo the hell is in the National program now? and I will say this, there are better players that Canada could be calling on...the best we have to offfer is not their!
When the hell did this happen? Anne is in the picture so it MUST be a couple of days old now! When did she fly over? When did this happen? What actually happen to make Jim leave?
Chris - You MUST have some knowledge of what is going on?
Is it possible Jim couldn't get into the country because of his criminal record?
As far as I am aware and have been told directly by Gerry PEckham, Jim was in Korea. So , I am going to have to say no. If Jim left I am sure the personal issues MUST be pressing. He is a professional and committed.
If he left there was good reason.
We wish him well!
Canada is screwed!
I guess we will now see just how good the team is without Jim...
Well with Jim not there I am not sure how team Canada will do. Jim basically was the team and the coach as well. I don't think Joe and Wendy have what it takes to get Canada on the podium. It was all Jim and it will show at this worlds. With Jim there you don't even need Joe or wendy. Interesting to see how they do.
I can understand why sobkowicz isn't there but is Bruno out of the line up as well? Why Anne and not Bruno?
Team Canada travelled to Korea with 6 players. Jim removed himself from the line-up at the last minute, to return home and deal with an urgent personal matter. My understanding is that Jim's decision to leave caught staff unawares. Anne's presence was insurance against another member of the team being unable to play.
In the absence of a public CCA announcement there is bound to be speculation, but my information is that Anne's appearance and Jim's disappearance are unrelated other than Jim may have felt more able to leave knowing the team would still have 5 players.
Erci, your information is wrong! Canada could not be allowed to travel with 6 to Worlds as the WCF only allows 5. Not sure where you are getting your information.
And I thought you gave this up!
Regardless of where or if the information is correct, WHY ANNE?
Way better players then her. Oh ya someone is pissed off and spoke out so out they go!
Team Canada won their first game....other games had wild scores...ice problems?
Has anyone ever thought through the coincidence that Jim moved to Southern Ontario, then Chris returns to Southern Ontario within the following weeks....
Jim and Chris always seemed to not have Team Canada issues with each other.
Now Mark and Mike from Southern Ontario are now on the radar screen of Team Canada.
Add a female,or better yet two, and you have a player, soon to be coach, three males and two females, and you have a new revamped Team Canada....ALL FROM ONTARIO, VERSUS ALL FROM B.C.
Having ALL PLAYERS from ONE AREA is convenient and effective, as it has historically been proven in B.C. for years, SINCE TEAM CANADA left Ontario last time in the mid 2000's.
Incentive of Jim (and Chris), or even early planning and development of the Program for life post 2014????
Bruno has been put out to pasture, as the first male of the original three (Jim and Darryl), with Darryl post 2014, and Jim assuming a player/coach, then on to a coaching role?
Sound transition, if you ask me.
Are you drafting women, guys? If so, let the world know.
The only explanation of Chris D following Jim back to Ontario is that Chris D is stalking Jim. Bahaha!
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